Sunday, 20 June 2010


Originally uploaded by ziedu_mate
Yesterday afternoon I spent a lovely hour or so at the Festival of Quirks and Crafts in Pontrhydfendigaid. I had no idea what to expect, but I'm such a sucker for this kind of thing; I love looking at what other crafters are doing and we usually end up having a good chat.

The festival itself was quite small, but there were plenty of activities going on, not all of them totally PC ('Button Sewing', 'Ironing a shirt' or 'Man Carrying a Woman Race' anyone?). How 'Coin Snatching' actually manifests is anyone's guess, but I suppose this constitutes the 'quirk'...

I was delighted to find a wood turner there and with any luck he'll be making some buttons and pins for me, and I could have spent the whole afternoon with the hawks and owls. The stall that really caught my eye, though, was Sue2; she makes lovely knitted and felted items, and I couldn't resist buying these flower brooches and a brooch-making kit. I'll be having a good look at the website later on - and I'd urge you to do the same (go on! You know you want to!)

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